Emergency Department

Important Telephone Numbers
Emergency Calls Only

National Poison Control Center

Emergency Staff
The physicians, nurses and technologists who staff our 24-hour emergency department are accomplished in emergency medicine.

What to Expect When you Enter
An emergency occurs. You have experienced a minor emergency such as a cut or sprain or a major emergency such as a stroke or heart attack...

You Have Arrived at John C. Fremont Hospital Emergency Department
Whether you arrive by ambulance or private vehicle, you will be assessed right away by a highly trained medical caregiver to determine the severity of your illness or injury. Patients with more serious problems are seen first. Unlike a doctor's office, the Emergency Department does not accept appointments. Instead, ill or injured patients often arrive at the same time, causing a wait for those with less serious emergencies.

Your Vital Signs are Taken in the Triage Area....
The medical caregiver will take your temperature, pulse, blood pressure and a brief medical history. For small children and infants, a rectal temperature is taken for the most accurate information. In addition, a list of all medications you are currently taking is very important and helpful.

If an exam room is immediately available and you have an emergency medical condition, you will be registered at the bedside. If a room is not immediately available, you will be asked to sit in the waiting room until one becomes available and can be prepared for you. PLEASE DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING.

You are Placed in an Emergency Department Bed....
You may be asked to undress and put on a hospital gown so that the doctor may do an exam. You may be attached to a monitoring device so that we may continually monitor your vital signs. These devices are very sensitive and may sound an alarm when you move.

Periodically, your nurse and physician will visit you, but in the meantime, our technology is providing us with ongoing information about your progress.

The Doctor Examines You....
The Emergency Department physician who sees you is a highly skilled professional and will examine you as soon as possible, after you are placed in a bed. However, the doctor may be delayed if more critical patients arrive unexpectedly.

Tests are Performed....
The physician will order tests or x-rays they feel are necessary. Some tests require blood to be drawn, while others may require you to go to another department. A technician will take you if you must leave the Emergency Department.

Obtaining results of test/x-rays may take time. If at any time, you do not understand a specific procedure, please ask your doctor or nurse.

Doctor Explains Test Results and Treatment....
As soon as your lab work and x-ray results are available, the doctor will explain the findings. Occasionally, an additional test may be necessary.

You are Treated
Depending on your particular emergency, your treatment may be simple or complex. The treatment, which may be carried out by the doctor or nurse, may consist of splints, bandages, IV's or medications. It may take a few minutes or several hours depending on your illness or injury and the presence of other critical patients.

You are Admitted to the Hospital, Discharged Home, or Transferred to Another Facility....
The doctor will determine if you are to be discharged from the Emergency Department, admitted to the hospital, or transferred to another facility. The Emergency Department physician may speak with your family doctor or other specialist about your treatment. Sometimes calls to other doctors cause delays, especially if they are unable to answer our calls immediately.

Occasionally patients come to the Emergency Department and through tests we find you need to be in the care of a specialist. You may need to be transferred to another facility that has that specific specialist and speciality equipment. We will stabilize you, find a hospital, and make sure you are transported by helicopter or ground ambulance to ensure you get the care you need.

If you are admitted to the hospital and it is full, you may have to wait in the Emergency Department for another patient to be discharged. As soon as a room is prepared, we will take you to your room.

Finally, if you have any questions, please ask. As your Emergency Department team, we are here to provide quality care.


If you have questions regarding your healthcare, please contact your own primary care physician or call your insurance company's "800" number for direction. If you feel that you need to be seen immediately, please proceed to the Emergency Department at the hospital. In cases that seem life threatening, call "911" for evaluation and transport by Emergency Medical Services personnel (EMS).

Know How to Spot an Emergency
It's difficult to give concrete guidelines for determining whether your condition is a true emergency. Every situation is unique.

Remember: If you think someone could suffer significant harm or die unless prompt care is received, that situation is an emergency.

However, the following conditions are almost ALWAYS emergencies and require immediate attention:

Heart attack symptoms (pain in chest, neck, arm, or shoulder)

Stroke symptoms (difficulty talking, blurred vision, dizziness, sudden weakness of one of your arms or legs especially if on only one side of the body).

Severe shortness of breath

Severe pain that persists

Major or uncontrolled bleeding

Loss of consciousness

Severe burns or cuts

In an emergency, when experience counts, you can count on us.

Additional Information
If you have any questions pertaining to the services offered by J.C. Fremont Healthcare District of any of our clinics or facilities, please contact us

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