Specialty Clinics

Specialty Clinics at J.C.F.
A referral from your primary care practitioner is required before you see one of the specialists. Your doctor's office can call, mail or fax the information to us and we will make the appointment. Please let the receptionist know what type of insurance you have when you call for an appointment so it can be handled appropriately. Some insurances require a pre-authorization for visits to specialists.

Healthcare providers from nearby cities staff our specialty clinics. This allows our patients to stay in Mariposa for much of their specialty medical needs.

Specialty clinics include:

Fremont Family Physicians
The following specialists see patients at Clinic I. Phone 209-966-0850.

Dr. David Browne from the San Francisco Bay area comes monthly to see patients with counseling needs.

Bonnie Henderson, LCSW, available by appointment for individual, group counseling.

For confidential information regarding testing, medical care, counseling, and other services available to HIV/AIDS patients, please call 209-966-3631, extension 130.

Fremont Specialty Physicians
The following specialists see patients at Fremont Family Physicians. Phone 209-966-2154.

Dr. Surinder Sandhu of Fresno sees heart patients, does pacemaker checks, stress testing, and Transesophagal Echo Cardiograms (TEE's).

Dr. Al Col, Merced, conducts a dermatology clinic once a month.

Chuck Newcomb, MS, RD, CDE (Certified Diabetic Educator) is available for nutrition counseling once a month, or as needed.

Six days a month, Dr. Robert Horvat, from the San Francisco Bay area, treats patients who have problems with diabetes, thyroid and osteoporosis.

Dr. Shahin Laghaee sees patients with stomach and intestinal problems. He conducts endoscopies, sygmoidoscopies, colonoscopies, and other upper and lower GI procedures. Scheduled by appointment.

Dr. Diana Hylton, Merced, comes once a month to see patients with nervous system problems.

Local expectant mothers are cared for by Drs. Tim Johnston and Al Col, who come from their Merced offices every two weeks.

Dr. Anwer Shaikh comes once a month to see patients.

Dr. Charles Schutz, of Fresno, holds a clinic weekly to see patients with foot problems.

Dr. Sunit Patel, sees patients once a month.

Dr. Meghal Parikh, of Merced, specializes in arthritis and geriatics. He is available once a month.

Additional Information
If you have any questions pertaining to the services offered by J.C. Fremont Healthcare District of any of our clinics or facilities, please contact us For insurance information please click here.

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